A video which captures Oba of Lagos, Oba Rilwan Aremu Akiolu humiliating the Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi at a public function has gone viral. The video which lasted for 27 seconds, shows the Ooni of Ife arriving the venue of an event, where he exchanged plesantries with the Obi of Onitsha, Igwe Alfred Achebe. The Ooni’s attempt to greet the Oba Akiolu who was seated next to the Igbo king was rebuffed by the Lagos monarch who simply waved his hand and ignored the Ooni. Oba Akiolu waved his hand indicating his non-interest in exchanging pleasantries with the Ooni
Add cOba Akiolu waved his hand indicating his non-interest in exchanging pleasantries with the Ooniaption The embarrassed monarch displayed maturity by not losing his cool, but quietly returned to his seat to have a chat with Igwe Achebe. |
Oba Akiolu of Lagos |
Ooni of Ife Watch the video below: |
The incident, however, triggered anger as Nigerians took to Twitter to condemned Oba Akiolu, describing his action as unbecoming of a Yoruba monarch.
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